The Green Biscuit Training Puck – Overview

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Coach Jeremy

Content Creator and Hockey Coach at How To Hockey
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The Green Biscuit is a hockey training puck that is designed to help hockey players improve their stickhandling and passing while practicing on rough surfaces. The biggest problem with a regular hockey puck is that it will only slide properly on ice, it is nearly impossible to stickhandle and pass a hockey puck off of the ice. A lot of companies have tried to develop a product that can replicate the feel of a puck on the ice, but few have succeeded. The Green Biscuit is another product that tries to give you the same slide and feel of a regular puck while practicing on your driveway.

In The Living Room with the Green Biscuit

We take a detailed look at the design and look of the Green Biscuit, be sure to subscribe to get our full review where we test this puppy out and tell you what we think of it.

Green Biscuit Design

The Green Biscuit uses a patented design to improve it’s ability to slide, and minimize the amount of times the puck flips over. The Green Biscuit kind of looks like a funky sandwich, but instead of bread and peanut butter it is made of two pieces of plastic, three bolts, and some rubber spacers. Let’s take a closer look at each component of the puck


The top and bottom of the Green Biscuit is designed to reduce friction. This is done in two ways, the first is by using a “slippery” type of plastic (according to Tom Pederson, company president) and the second by reducing contact points  between the puck and the surface you are using it on.

You can see the plastic pieces have a recessed area which reduces the area of the puck that touches the ground. This smart design reduces friction and improves the puck like feel.

Inside the Green Biscuit

It is hard to see in the pictures but there are three bolts, which are cushioned by three rubber spacers. These rubber spacers help reduce vibration that would cause other training pucks to flip over (very annoying if you are trying to pass or stickhandle). The smart two piece design also acts sort of like a hockey puck suspension system. The pieces act independently of each other, so the top piece can tilt, while the bottom piece will still slide nice and flat.

Green Biscuit Video

In this video we give you an up close and personal look at the GB

Does the Green Biscuit Work?

We took the Green Biscuit out to a big chunk of pavement to test it out. Be sure to check out our full Green Biscuit Review with more pictures and videos.

Where to Buy the Green Biscuit

You can find the Green Biscuit (and other cool hockey gear) at  Hockey Shot

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